New Release: sphobjinv v2.3

[ python release sphobjinv ]

Well, seems I haven’t posted here since that last sphobjinv release post, for v2.1 … been focused on writing code for one project or another.

Anyways—sphobjinv v2.3 is out!

Although—first, an aside: I skipped writing up anything for v2.2, because … well, it was a release that I was disappointed that I had to make. When I implemented the suggest functionality, I had included fuzzywuzzy as a dependency. As it turns out, ever since fuzzywuzzy implemented its interface with python-Levenshtein it’s been licensed GPL. Not at all compatible with the MIT License on sphobjinv. For users only of the CLI, it doesn’t matter much; but for anyone using the sphobjinv API, it was an important fix.

So, the big change in v2.2 was removing that dependency, and instead vendoring a copy of fuzzywuzzy from back when it was MIT licensed, modified to be Python 3-compatible. (The need for those modifications made it impossible to just pin to that early version.) Was a bummer, because speed is good. I have an idea for how to regain some of that performance (see #178), which is a big focus of my plan for v2.4. Not sure how long that’ll take, though.

So, yeah—v2.3!

The big changes here are to the suggest CLI, which now provides a LOT more information about the objects.inv.

In particular, the suggest CLI output now contains:

  • For the --url mode:
    • More details of what occurred while trying to locate the objects.inv file
    • An inferred intersphinx_mapping for the documentation set, if possible
  • For all modes:
    • The project and version information for the objects.inv
    • The total number of objects present in the objects.inv
    • The search score threshold value, and the number of results found for the given search term satisfying that value

New v2.3 output:

$ sphobjinv su suggest -us

Attempting ...
  ... no recognized inventory.
Attempting "" ...
  ... HTTP error: 404 Not Found.
Attempting "" ...
  ... HTTP error: 404 Not Found.
Attempting "" ...
  ... inventory found.

Project: sphobjinv
Version: 2.3

219 objects in inventory.

20 results found at/above current threshold of 75.

The intersphinx_mapping for this docset is LIKELY:

  (, None)

  Name                                                    Score
-------------------------------------------------------  -------
:py:attribute:`sphobjinv.cli.parser.PrsConst.SUGGEST`      90
:py:module:`sphobjinv.cli.suggest`                         90
:py:function:`sphobjinv.cli.suggest.do_suggest`            90
:py:method:`sphobjinv.inventory.Inventory.suggest`         90
:std:doc:`cli/implementation/suggest`                      90
:std:doc:`cli/suggest`                                     90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.--all`                   90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.--help`                  90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.--index`                 90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.--score`                 90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.--thresh`                90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.--url`                   90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.-a`                      90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.-h`                      90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.-i`                      90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.-s`                      90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.-t`                      90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.-u`                      90
:std:cmdoption:`sphobjinv-suggest.infile`                  90
:std:cmdoption:``                  90

Previous v2.2.2 output for a search with no results:

$ sphobjinv su suggest -ust99

No inventory at provided URL.
Attempting "" ...
Attempting "" ...
Attempting "" ...
Remote inventory found.

No results found.

New v2.3 output for a search with no results:

$ sphobjinv su suggest -ust99

Attempting ...
  ... no recognized inventory.
Attempting "" ...
  ... HTTP error: 404 Not Found.
Attempting "" ...
  ... HTTP error: 404 Not Found.
Attempting "" ...
  ... inventory found.

Project: sphobjinv
Version: 2.3

219 objects in inventory.

No results found with score at/above current threshold of 99.

(Note: This last example should still print an inferred intersphinx_mapping, even though all of the results were filtered out, but there’s a glitch in my logic. I’ve already created #262 for it. v2.3.1, here I come!)

In addition to this expanded suggest output, v2.3 also adds a new option to the suggest CLI: --paginate, or -p for short. Enabling this features makes it so that long lists of results are only displayed one terminal screen at a time:

$ sphobjinv su doc\build\html\objects.inv function -ps

Project: sphobjinv
Version: 2.3

219 objects in inventory.

30 results found at/above current threshold of 75.

Cannot infer intersphinx_mapping from a local objects.inv.

  Name                                                             Score
----------------------------------------------------------------  -------
:py:function:`sphobjinv.cli.convert.do_convert`                     90
:py:function:`sphobjinv.cli.core.main`                              90
:py:function:`sphobjinv.cli.load.import_infile`                     90
:py:function:`sphobjinv.cli.load.inv_local`                         90
:py:function:`sphobjinv.cli.load.inv_stdin`                         90
:py:function:`sphobjinv.cli.load.inv_url`                           90
:py:function:`sphobjinv.cli.parser.getparser`                       90
:py:function:`sphobjinv.cli.paths.resolve_inpath`                   90
:py:function:`sphobjinv.cli.paths.resolve_outpath`                  90
:py:function:`sphobjinv.cli.suggest.do_suggest`                     90
:py:function:`sphobjinv.cli.suggest.generate_index_lines`           90
Press Enter to continue...
... (more results) ...

Hopefully all of these changes will provide a welcome improvement to the suggest CLI experience!

Written on November 17, 2022